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F-school Days

For most frustrated IT professions in India, the ‘F’ in F-school stands for fantasy. While this turns out to be true for some, most people understand after 2 years of educ(indoctrin)ation that ‘F’ stands facade. The system is so deep rooted that I personally prefer ‘F’ for factory - because each F-school does its best to produce 300 + 35 + 60 (or whatever its intake is) identical copies of ‘model students’ who will serve as facade leaders and indoctrination masters.

I have no reason to brag about the system because I’m an output of the system! Heard of GIGO (garbage in garbage out)? Well, here I am - garbage that came out. I’m breaking one of the strictest rules of F-schools - thou shall not speak the truth about the system to anyone. Out of respect for the reputation that the factory has built over several decades by producing identical copies, I shall not reveal the name of the factory.

To the F-school administrators who are reading this: I don’t want this to be a monologue. I encourage you to share as many anonymized reports about my (mis)behavior as you’d like. Let’s have a conversation!

WLOG (without loss of generality for the unenlightened), let’s get started: